T-O-N-Y! You ain’t got no alibi. YOU TORY!

It’s difficult to know anything certain about modern politics. As Adam Curtis points out in his “Oh-Dearism” documentary, there is an emerging “strategy of power that keeps any opposition constantly confused, a ceaseless shapeshifting that is unstoppable because it’s indefinable”. It’s diaphanous, a dark attic full of spider webs, and the intention of the political elite is to make sure you don’t understand.

Every now and again, though, a little light breaks through the murk, and lets us see what the machinating cluster of arachnids are up to.

It seems rather telling that the mainstream establishment is getting all shrill and scurrilous about Jeremy Corbyn. After the poll that said Corbyn would win the Labour leadership 6 points ahead of Andy Burnham, centrists, Blairites and Blairs fell over each other to slander the man himself, as unelectable, and then to scoff at his supporters. St. Tony of Baghdad, lobbyist to the shadows, left many reeling with indignation when he spoke to the think tank Progress on Wednesday. Let us not forget that there is a wide consensus that this man should be tried for war crimes, and yet he has the gall to tell others to get “a heart transplant”?! He appeared from his coffin, looking like a wax puppet from an American remake of a Japanese horror film, and condescended to the nation with talk of winning “from the centre” and the dangers of comfort blankets. The sheep-dog yapped and the flock bolted. Margaret Beckett described herself as a “moron” for supporting Corbyn’s candidacy. Yvette Cooper said she would never serve in a shadow cabinet lead by Corbyn. John McTernan suggested that two candidates should drop out of the race to create an “anyone-but-Corbyn” campaign. The barks and bleats have become deafening.

In a leadership election that should be defined by new rules that make it more democratic, it seems ironically undemocratic that this tactic of sabotage should be used from within the party. The momentum is with Corbyn. Doesn’t it show a huge arrogance, for the other leading Labour politicians, to flagrantly disregard what the most significant faction of Labour supporters are saying? Rather than denigrating the man’s personality and dragging their heels in New Labour mud, shouldn’t they recognise that what many people want is a party of real opposition to sit next to the SNP in the house of commons? And if the left-wing are so “unelectable”, please tell me how the SNP won all those seats?

I’m not sure that this hullabaloo is at all damaging to Corbyn’s campaign though. That conversation we were all having for the previous god-knows-how-long (you know, the one about the Westminster bubble and the London elite being out of touch; the one that resulted in massive election turn outs for the SNP and UKIP), it didn’t just go away because we had a general election. Right now, the more Jeremy Corbyn is held cheap by the establishment, the more he begins to look like an intriguing outsider, relatable, and unfazed with the squabbling in the political playground.

The inverse of Nigel Farage, he appears to be a cool-headed, honest, considerate man, one of the few modern politicians who doesn’t seem to have been trained in neuro-linguistic programming, unconflicted in his political views, and abstemious in his daily life. He is one of the only politicians of note that seems to truly recognise the dire inequality that exists in this country today and actually have a problem with it. There is something inherently virtuous about him, and that is a quality that can rally the support of a lot of people, and most importantly, a lot of young people. With the big three zero on the horizon for me, I don’t know if I still count as a “young person”. What I can say is that for the first time in my adult life there is a politician from a mainstream party who shares my views and those of most people I know, and also has a chance of actually doing something to create a shift in the paradigm, from corporate puppetry to conscientious societal representation.

The hysteria that has rendered certain members of the Labour party catatonic, and has the right wing press rubbing its hands together in glee, is ultimately based on nonsense. The fact is that this election is not for the position of king of kings but for the leader of a party of equals. No matter how far left Jeremy Corbyn is, if he is voted leader he will have to represent a party that is jam packed with shy Tories and Blairites. He would be dragged towards the centre ground anyway. But he would have galvanised the support of many disparate factions of society, who didn’t vote in the general election, or who voted UKIP, or maybe even some of those who voted Tory.

In the USA, Senator Bernie Sanders is currently running his presidential campaign for 2016. He is a firebrand, a self proclaimed democratic socialist, and support for him is snow-balling. He’s a straight talking realist who is committed to outing the perversions of the system and seems to be unafraid of standing up for the rights of individuals against those of corporations. At the official opening of his campaign in Vermont in May, he had one clear message to anyone who doubted his ability to win: “Don’t underestimate me.” It seems that it wasn’t until Jeremy Corbyn took the lead in the polls that the rest of the Labour party worked out not to underestimate him. It just might be that he is the right person to clean out the cobwebs and fix those attic lights.

T-O-N-Y! You ain’t got no alibi. YOU TORY!

95 thoughts on “T-O-N-Y! You ain’t got no alibi. YOU TORY!

  1. Well said, Charlotte. The reaction of the other candidates and the party hierarchy just seems breathtakingly stupid and counter-productive. In contrast, Corbyn has conducted himself with maturity, dignity, and respect for his rivals. This is supposed to be a democratic contest and they should all be prepared to work with whoever wins, to fight for a fairer country. At the moment the Blairites are just doing the Tories’ job for them by dividing the party.


      1. Philip says:

        Why? Do you think she would set her dogs on me? Charlotte has the voice of an angel, the brains of a prat and the political perception of a moron. On the other hand if she wants to distribute some of her wealth my way – I thought not, another champagne socialist pretending she speaks on behalf of the poor.


    1. me says:

      ‘Big words for a little girl’ – more than a whiff of misogyny there. Girls and women big and small have been wielding words quite affectively for a while now but I realise you’d rather dismiss her than give any thought to what she as to say. If you ever did pull your head out of your arse long enough to comprehend even a syllable you might actually learn something. If you’ve nothing better to contribute than dismissals and baseless accusations maybe just go back to playing with yourself under that bridge, you’re not wanted.


  2. Lucie says:

    I am currently fighting for the right of EU citizens settled here to have the right to vote in the EU referendum as our lives could be turned upside down. A prominent Labour MP actually said he would start the campaign because he thought it was unfair that we would be left out. And yet when it came to voting on this, he abstained and most of his Labour colleagues – with a few notable exceptions – voted against the motion. They didn’t want to endorse it officially when it was their idea in the first place! I felt betrayed as I started this petition because i was prompted to do so by Labour. Again they are showing that they are trying to please everyone, and too scared to upset the UKip electorate or that they are too scared to say what they think or what they truly believe in. I want honest politicians who say exactly what they think. I had to turn to the SNP who did an amazing job at spreading the word about my petition – isn’t that a bit of a shame that we have no one we can turn to? That EU workers settled here have to turn to a Scottish nationalist party, a party that actually listens to foreigners, not just the ones who live in Scotland but the ones who live all over the UK? You can read more about my story and sign and share my petition if you wish here: chn.ge/1F6U7Cf

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m old Charlotte but I like what you are saying and believe it to be true – there is a growing divide – politics is now about career – the ordinary folk are still at the mercy of those who love ‘evidence’ in the form of skewed statistics.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dr Martin Treacy says:

    Excellent post Charlotte. Greatly enjoyed reading your eloquent and heart-felt viewpoint. I’m one of those who has just paid his £3 to join as a Labour supporter so I can vote for Jeremy Corbyn. I’m not exactly one of the ‘young’ enthused by him (you may not be sure if you count nearing 30; I definitely don’t at 55!) but I find I’m getting more left-wing as I get older (I always used to vote for the Lib-dems, indeed was briefly a party member at one point). Apparently you’re supposed to become more right-wing as you get older, but definitely not the case for me. I also feel angry on behalf of the young, the way my generation appears to want to pull up the ladder in relation to privileges we had (like free education and student grants) and the young – particularly the vulnerable young – are definitely getting screwed more than any other part of the population (the fact they tend to vote much less than pensioners do is a cynical but accurate reason why politicians treat them this way). You’re absolutely right in your blog posting the way any departure from the neo-liberal consensus (available in full cream – Tory – or lite – New Labour – versions) is portrayed as some kind of madness no reasonable human being could possibly support. However a strong media consensus is not necessarily reality….

    It’s said – I don’t know what truth there is in it – that a number of rightwingers are paying their £3 to help get Mr Corbyn elected so as to ‘destroy’ Labour. The electorate in this country – faced with an honest and authentic man, pointing out the massive inequalities which have developed over the last 30 years – may yet give them an unpleasant shock. Be careful for what you wish for, right-wingers!

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Guido Mcspoon says:

    Blimey! she’s got a vocabulary on her….the problem with his politics (and her reasons for supporting them) is that they are short-sighted, idealistic and wrong. As an employer I find it nigh on impossible to find young workers who can spell let alone pronounce lengthy words like conscientious, their grammar is appalling and use of punctuation non-existent. The reasons for this must be put at the feet of the state education establishment, a clique that is universally leftwing and well represented in Mr Corbyn’s political cannon. Without proper, rigorous and streamed education we will end up with an unemployable workforce, and how then will we be able to re-distribute the non-existent profits and taxes to the poorer classes? Without decent, relevant education there will be no value to be created and therefore no money to be made. It is this lack of common sense and the strength of adhesion to a failed and discredited political ideology that has sent his more pragmatic and savvy colleagues into a catatonic hysteria as Miss Church suggests. They are not right, but Mr Corbyn is less right still.


  6. Reblogged this on TheCritique Archives and commented:
    Charlotte Church discusses Tony Blair’s verbal abuse of Jeremy Corbyn, the unexpected strengthening of the ‘Real’ Left the more it gets smeared, and Corbyn’s re-emergence in comparison with that of Bernie Sanders in the USA.


  7. Steve says:

    An eloquent narrative well done Ms Church.

    No matter how much wealth an individual is lucky enough to create with their talents, they are a function of the family heritage. If you’re lucky enough to find yourself in a position to influence political debate then of course someone from Wales who grew up in the era of de-industrialisation would espouse to virtues of the left, & rightly so in my opinion.

    There’s too many self interested politicians & media types from wealth families influencing the political debate. This country needs this debate & well done Charlotte for using your influence to progress it.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. peter thear says:

    wouldn’t it be nice to have a leader who remembers why the labour party was founded and who still had principles. Well spoken Charlotte


  9. I think that was a very well put blog, Accurate as well in my opinion over Blair. Tony Blair has done much to damage the Labour party and continues to do so even with his decent into the Dark World, Much to the great shame of many of his supporters. Corbyn is the Zietgeitst this country needs. Charlotte has absolutely nailed this collective feeling.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. mamma says:

    Nice post. The Labour Party is a shambles at the moment. I was horrified at how the welfare bill was handled. I hope Corbyn wins but it won’t be enough to bring my vote back.


  11. It’s good to see your comments on Tony Blair. I also think it’s a positive sign if Corbyn is a proper left-wing Labourite, because a proper Labour Party is long overdue. I don’t see how Corbyn or anyone else can protect us from TTIP without leaving the EU, though, and I wonder what you think about that? I also wonder what Corbyn himself thinks about that, and I’ve just sent a message via Twitter to see if anyone in his office has anything to say about one of the biggest threats to the ordinary people of this country.


    1. UPDATE: Neither Corbyn nor anyone in his office ever replied to the TTIP question. The question is now even more urgent as Corbyn has come out in favour of the EU this week. I find it astounding that the Labour Party voted Corbyn leader before he declared his stance on the EU as that’s such a vitally important issue, with so many other issues depending on it. It all looks like a hopeless mess to me, with massive threats to our life and liberty looming ever closer and continued silence on how those threats are to be met, if they’re to be met at all.


  12. Hi Charlotte,
    thanks for this. My additional thinking is no elected person can make the changes against neo-liberalism / the establishment without a wider progressive movement and the time has come to step up a gear. Check out compassionate-revolution.net – its a practical project, newly launched to pledge acts of “art heart and civil disobedience” “together we are irresistible”!


  13. Charlie says:

    How come you never use such a wide range of vocabulary when you’re interviewed on TV? Is it because this was written for you by someone else, Charlotte? Perhaps a sixth-form leftie who’s a dab hand with a thesaurus? The Labour party and its supporters are a joke, a fact well-evidenced by this ineffably shambolic leadership election, which not only makes the party look like it couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery, but will leave it with a completely unelectable leader. Hint to all lefties: people didn’t vote Tory because Ed M wasn’t left-wing enough.

    Morons, utter morons.


  14. Frances Hollididay says:

    Funny, tongue in cheek -https://markfiddaman.wordpress.com/2015/08/21/6-links-jeremy-corbyn-doesnt-want-you-to-know-about/


  15. Kate says:

    Charlotte, don’t be hurt by the press. They are only bothered by you because you are making sense and that worries them. It is unfair that you should be pilloried of course and I hope you are able to distance yourself from that. By the way I do see a huge difference between yourself and R Brand – his is empty rhetoric where he serves to get attention. You actually do make sense and have actual actionable ideas while not being self serving. Your intelligence has always been apparent and very much in evidence, listening to you for years on tv in various contexts.

    People are just sexist and rude. You always sounded like you had thoughts, ideas and passion about them. Good on you for expressing your views and committing to speaking out. That takes some courage. I don’t know why people want to see you in a negative light. (Well I do, it’s because you are challenging to them). As far as I am concerned you are doing a great job and I thank you for it. Women have long been harried and tormented for being brighter than their would be oppressors. Well, don’t let them get you down. I hope you will feel able to continue to speak up. Goodness knows, the country needs that.


  16. Reader says:

    >It’s diaphanous, a dark attic full of spider webs, and the intention of the political elite is to make sure you don’t understand.

    Wow! Superbly put. It’s like beautiful prosa. Thanks!


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